Please read the following carefully.
This copy must be signed by the MEMBER sponsoring the event and returned to the Clubrooms (for the attention of the Honorary Secretary) to signify your agreement to abide by the terms and conditions of use.
Failure to do so will result in the withdrawal of permission and cancellation of the event without further notification to you and loss of any payments made.
- All Branch and legal notices must be complied with at all times.
- The Function hall is only licensed to hold a maximum of 80 persons at any social event
- Foul or abusive language will not be tolerated. No football colours or hats are permitted on the premises.
- No alcohol to be consumed or purchased for persons under the legal age.
- Any alcohol not purchased in the Clubrooms will be confiscated and the person/persons will be ejected from the Club.
- No person is permitted to remove glasses or bottles and or consume alcohol outside the Clubrooms.
- Children are not allowed to enter the Members Lounge. They must remain under the supervision at all times in the function hall except for toilet purposes.
- Smoking is not permitted at the front door, only in the designated area.
- Fire/Emergency exits, both External and Internal are to be kept clear at all times. 1
- If used, the kitchen can only be used for reheating food only and must be left in a clean and tidy condition before leaving the premises.
- When entering or leaving the premises all persons are asked to leave quietly and not to congregate at the front door and to respect our neighbour’s privacy at all times.
- Payment for the Hall must be made prior to the function. A deposit of £30.00 is payable on application and will be refunded after the event.
- The sponsoring Member is to remain in attendance for the duration of the function.
- The person(s) hiring the Hall will be liable for any damage caused by guests to the premises, and its fixtures and fittings.
- Music at all functions must cease at 12.00 a.m. so that the function hall can be cleared by 12.15a.m.
- Last orders at the bar are 12.00a.m.
- The person(s) hiring the hall MUST clean and tidy the function room after the event.
Guest lists must be sent to the Secretary at the Clubrooms no later than 48 hours prior to the event.
Any person attending or attempting to attend who is not on the guest list will not be permitted to enter.